Managing Daily Email Warm Up Limits: What You Need to Know

Lauren Gilbert

Last Update 2 months ago

Understanding daily email limits is important for managing your warm up activity effectively in Mailivery.

Here’s how these limits function and what they mean for your account.

What Are Daily Email Warm Up Limits?

Mailivery’s daily email warm up send limits define the maximum number of emails your entire account can send in a single day. 

These limits are determined by your Mailivery plan and apply collectively across all the email accounts you have connected.

Key Features of Daily Email Warm Up Limits
  1. Account-Wide Limit:
    The daily limit applies to your entire Mailivery account, not to individual mailboxes. For example, if your plan allows 600 emails per day, that’s the total number of emails you can send across all connected mailboxes.

  2. Flexible Allocation Across Inboxes:
    You can decide how to distribute the total email limit among your connected mailboxes. As long as you stay within the overall limit, you’re in compliance with your plan.

Example: Professional Plan

The Professional Plan includes a daily limit of 600 emails. Here's how you can distribute this limit:

  • Option 1:
    60 mailboxes, each sending 10 emails per day.

  • Option 2:
    50 mailboxes sending 10 emails per day, plus 5 mailboxes sending 20 emails per day.

  • Option 3:
    10 mailboxes sending 50 emails per day, plus 10 mailboxes sending 10 emails per day.

These are just examples. You can adjust your allocation based on your operational needs.

How to Stay Within Plan Terms

To ensure compliance:

  • Monitor the total number of emails sent across all mailboxes.
  • Use Mailivery’s allocation tools to manage email distribution efficiently.

As long as the total emails sent do not exceed your plan’s daily limit, you’re operating within the terms of your Mailivery plan.

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