How Warm up Template Works
Custom Warmup Templates in Mailivery.
Lauren Gilbert
Last Update 2 miesiące temu
Mailivery offers a powerful custom warmup template feature on any paid plan. This allows you to craft custom messages that will be included in your warmup campaigns.
3 Key Benefits of Custom Templates
Custom templates provide several key benefits:
- Your custom warm up message warms up mailboxes and establishes sender reputation with major ESPs like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and more. This makes your sending domain appear more trustworthy and warmups up your content topic as well.
- Positive engagement with your custom message helps build sender score. This makes it easier to land in the inbox going forward.
- Not only are you warming up your mailbox, you’re also warming up your marketing content.
How Custom Templates Work
To use custom templates:
1. Go to the Warm-up Templates tab and click "Add Template" (available on paid plans only).
2. Enter your custom warmup message.
For AI-generated ideas, use our Warmup Template Generator (only for ChatGPT Plus users).
3. Select which inboxes should receive your custom message on top right and click Save Template.
Important Notes:
- You can create up to 5 custom templates per inbox.
- If 1 custom template is added, 20% of warmup emails will use the custom message.
- If 2 or more custom templates are added, 40% of warmup emails will use the custom messages.
- The remaining warmup emails will continue to use Mailivery's AI-generated content to maintain natural engagement.
Custom templates allow you to test and refine messages while building great sender reputation. Take advantage of this powerful feature to get your emails delivered!