What is the daily send limit per connected mailbox?

Learn what the daily send limit is per connected mailbox on Mailivery.

Lauren Gilbert

Last Update il y a 3 mois

A "mailbox" refers to the individual email accounts you've connected to Mailivery for mailbox warmup. 

Depending on your plan’s package, you are allotted a specific number of emails per day.

Currently, for Professional and Business Plans, our limit for each mailbox is 250 emails per day.

Mailivery's peer-2-peer (P2P) email warmup tool is built for responsible email marketers and NOT for spammers who don't follow proper email standards.

To ensure we maintain a high-quality P2P warmup network and provide our users with positive results during warmup, we place a daily email limit per connected mailbox for plans with higher allotted sending volumes. This limit helps prevent abuse and maintains a responsible sending volume. 

We'll continue to evaluate our network performance and increase daily limits per inbox on a quarterly basis if needed.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Mailivery support through their live chat feature.

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