Filter Mailivery Emails with Custom Filters

Learn how to filter Mailivery emails by setting up custom email filters.

Lauren Gilbert

Last Update 16 dagen geleden

By default, Mailivery automatically moves all warmup emails from inbox to to a "Mailivery" folder, so you no longer need custom filters to avoid Mailivery emails cluttering your inbox.

However, some customers may still want to create a custom filter to have warmup emails skip inbox and immediately move it to an archive folder.

To create a filter in Gmail, Outlook or Thunderbird:

Get Your Email ID
  • Your unique ID is at the top of each mailbox' dashboard:

Create a Gmail Filter

Step 1: Click the settings icon and "See all settings".

Step 2: Select "Filters and blocked addresses" then "Create a new filter".

Step 3: Enter ID into "Includes the words" field and click "Create filter".

Step 4: Check boxes to:

  • Skip the inbox
  • Mark as read
  • Apply the label "Mailivery"
  • Never send it to Spam
  • Apply filter to matching conversations

Then click "Create filter".

Now, Mailivery emails will redirect to your selected folder.

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