For how long should I warm a mailbox?

Find out how long you should warm up a mailbox.

Lauren Gilbert

Last Update 3 เดือนที่แล้ว

Keep the mailboxes connected for a good reputation. There is no such thing as just "warming up" anymore.

There is a common misperception in the market saying you just need to "warm up your mailboxes". This is not correct. Just having to "warm up" a mailbox is a misperception from email marketing.

Your true goal is not to warm up an mailbox but to bring the mailbox to a natural state by means of a natural overall average response rate.

In other words, Mailivery is the service that brings your total response rate (your real emails + Mailivery emails) to a natural state. As soon as you deactivate Mailivery, your response rate goes to abnormal again, and you could land in spam more often, again.

The logic behind it is that an email address with a good reputation as an average response rate of 5% to 10%. Cold outreach emails typically only have a 1% response rate. If Mailivery can boost your average response rate, spam filters will categorize you as "normal" emails, and you land in the inbox more often.

If you really just want to warm up a mailbox and want to take the risk to lose the reputation again after, warm for 8 to 15 weeks.

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